Active Hope Intro
How we can grow our ability and enthusiasm to act for positive change
An online introduction session with a view to forming a group who will use the Active Hope free online course as a resource and meet regularly to discuss each section of the course.
Wednesday 2nd March 5.30pm AEDT (2.30pm in WA, 4.30pm in Qld, 5.00pm SA)
Wednesday 2nd March 5.30pm AEDT (2.30pm in WA, 4.30pm in Qld, 5.00pm SA)
Interested? Please register below.
Interested but not on that date? Please let us know by emailing us at mary@transitionaustralia.net
The session will be led by Mary Stringer (Work That Reconnects facilitator) and Stav Zotalis (Aid worker and Engaged Buddhist). We look forward to your input.
The Active Hope Intro event has already occurred. See Transition Australia website for future Active Hope study groups. Or contact us with your query.