Transition Australia AGM 2023

Transition Australia AGM 2023

Guest speaker Anna Evilä, Transition Finland

We invite you to join us online for the Annual General Meeting of Transition Towns Australia Inc via zoom on Wednesday 25 October 8.00pm AEDT, 7.00pm Qld, 5.00pm WA

We'll begin with our Guest Speaker Anna Evilä, founder of Transition Finland.

Agenda will be:

Acknowledge Country

Welcome & Introductions

Guest Speaker Anna Evilä on the story of Transition Finland

Convenor's report

Treasurer's report

Election of Office-bearers

Election of ordinary (actually amazing) committee members

And we'd love you to become a member of Transition Australia, it's a great way to show your support for our work to advance an ecologically regenerative and socially just future in Australia.
Read more about Transition Australia here. and become a member here

Here is the zoom link:

Zoom meeting ID: 874 8404 8059

Please register below to receive reminders, reports etc in advance of the meeting, and follow-up emails.
Anyone can attend this event. Members will be entitled to vote or join the committee.
This event has already occurred. If interested in a similar event in future please email