Member - Individual
An individual who supports the Purposes of Transition Towns Australia Inc and agrees to comply with their Rules and policies can apply to be a Member - full voting rights; pays annual subscription fee.
Associate member - Organisation
A not-for-profit organisation can be an Associate member, thus showing support for working together to advance an ecologically regenerative and socially just future in Australia.
An Associate member has no voting rights but may have other rights as determined by the Committee or by resolution at a general meeting.
(We encourage at least one individual from your organisation to join as a Member with voting rights)
Associate - Under 15
If you are an individual aged under 15 years and you support the Purposes and agree to comply with the Rules and policies of Transition Towns Australia Inc you can apply to join as an Associate member.
I support the Purposes of Transition Towns Australia Inc and agree to comply with their Rules and policies. 

Please select "Organisation" if joining as Associate Member- Organisation
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Transition Australia